America and Immigration
In looking at the Washington Post(link) this morning as I often do I could not help but notice an article on the recent attempts to block illegal immigration from our southern border. Now first off I will say that I believe that America is and always will be the ladn of oppurtunity and freedom. However, this is a right which applies to citizens of the state. Simply because we are a prosperous nation with the ability to employ a large number of illegal immgrants does not mean that we are obligated to let them into the country. The fact of the matter is that illegal immigrants do compose much of the low level work force, but there is a reason for that. They come illegaly(thats the key) into this country and undercut and underprice the market for labor. The case has been made that Americans will not do the work at that illegals do for the price they do it and that is correct. In the majority of cases these immigrants are working for below minimum wage and not being reported as taxed or any other form of documnetation and rightly so because they are ILLEGAL immigrants. That is the key word to wrap around here, the fact that they cross our border everyday absorb and dissapear into the communities of current immigrants does not make it right. Should we allow immigration yes, should we close the borders, I dont know. Something however needs to be done to stem the tide coming across overy year and this begins with U.S. employers not hiring illegal labor. It is as much a homegrown problem as it is an import and despite the rise in border patrol we have seen a rise because other than border patrol not much is done as far as investigating the workforce and finding illegals. America will always be the land of the free and a great place for oppurtunity but it is designed as one for those who go through the proper channels and reach the country on legal terms, not those who come through the backdoor and dont wipe their feet.
I've mentioned before that the so-called "illegal" immigrants are only nominally illegal, and a simple reversal of prohibitive legislation would change their status to "legal."
For instance, consider the absurdity surrounding the "dry-land" rule of law that applies to people fleeing from Cuba? We hate Cuba soooo much that we won't allow our countrymen to engage in trade with them, to travel there, etc. And we seek to give asylum to their refugees - only if they are able to set foot on our soil before interception?
If the country is so bad that we won't even interact with it, what possible justification is there for forcibly sending people back there, who quite obviously wish to be anywhere else?
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