Did You Know?
Did you know:
- There are more private contractors employed in all branches of government than there are actual employees of the federal government?
- Only 1 out of 8 contracted projects in Iraq are functional after 6 months.
- That Haliburton was awared a no bid contract to construct a 22 million dollar Army base in Iraq that has now run into the cost range of 4 billion dollars?
- That there are 30,000+ private defense contractors operating in Iraq who are not bound by US law or Iraqi law(thanks Paul Bremer)?
- The ex-chief of the Global Fund says that reconstruction in Iraq is doomed?
- Congress has allowed the war in Iraq to continue unabated for despite the fact that they approved the war under what some say is false information?
- That the former number two in charge at the justice department has gone on record as saying that only 1 of the 8 fired prosecutors was underperforming?
- That the escalation in Vietnam started with a troop surge? Sure we just need 30,000 more to do the job. Give an inch, they take a foot.
- Iran might be the biggest help to solve the problem in Iraq?
- Iraq has only been formally recognized as a country since after World Ware I and before that was basically a region of three autonomous states?
- To help our image in the Middle East we fund Israel to the tune of 3.4 billion dollars of defense money per year, while refusing to sell or supply advanced weapons to any other countries thus to allow Israel an edge in the region?
- The Iraqi government has shown no signs of meeting any benchmarks so far and has shown a great deal of similarity with our own government in terms of playing partisan politics?
- That the people of our two main allies in the Middle East Saudi Arabia and Egypt hold us in more contempt than the people of Iran or Syria?
- That an overwhelming number of German citizens polled said that the US was more of a threat to global peace than Iran(I agree)?
- Before the US invasion of Iraq, there were no terrorists groups operating out of the country?
- The fledgling Iraqi "Democracy" is already asking out of 85 billion dollars of debt?
- Iran is not an Arab country but rather Persian?
- In the early stages of the Iraqi invasion we destroyed much of the infrastructure necessary for post war plans?
- New Orleans is still in shambles, yet no one seems to care?
- Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki seems to think he is actually in a position of power depsite the fact that we put him there and he is only there still through American force of arms.
- According to the international Red Cross the standard of living has gone down in Iraq each year for the last 4 years?
- The only way to police Iraq is with Iraqis who know the demographics and religious tensions, not a 19 year old from Iowas who only knows to yell "shut the fuck up"?
- This is how our troops conduct themselves in Iraq(picture below)? Sure are winning hearts and minds.

Iraq is the ZANIEST nation in the whole middle east! (from CollegeHumor)
Just wondering if you knew?
- There are more private contractors employed in all branches of government than there are actual employees of the federal government?
- Only 1 out of 8 contracted projects in Iraq are functional after 6 months.
- That Haliburton was awared a no bid contract to construct a 22 million dollar Army base in Iraq that has now run into the cost range of 4 billion dollars?
- That there are 30,000+ private defense contractors operating in Iraq who are not bound by US law or Iraqi law(thanks Paul Bremer)?
- The ex-chief of the Global Fund says that reconstruction in Iraq is doomed?
- Congress has allowed the war in Iraq to continue unabated for despite the fact that they approved the war under what some say is false information?
- That the former number two in charge at the justice department has gone on record as saying that only 1 of the 8 fired prosecutors was underperforming?
- That the escalation in Vietnam started with a troop surge? Sure we just need 30,000 more to do the job. Give an inch, they take a foot.
- Iran might be the biggest help to solve the problem in Iraq?
- Iraq has only been formally recognized as a country since after World Ware I and before that was basically a region of three autonomous states?
- To help our image in the Middle East we fund Israel to the tune of 3.4 billion dollars of defense money per year, while refusing to sell or supply advanced weapons to any other countries thus to allow Israel an edge in the region?
- The Iraqi government has shown no signs of meeting any benchmarks so far and has shown a great deal of similarity with our own government in terms of playing partisan politics?
- That the people of our two main allies in the Middle East Saudi Arabia and Egypt hold us in more contempt than the people of Iran or Syria?
- That an overwhelming number of German citizens polled said that the US was more of a threat to global peace than Iran(I agree)?
- Before the US invasion of Iraq, there were no terrorists groups operating out of the country?
- The fledgling Iraqi "Democracy" is already asking out of 85 billion dollars of debt?
- Iran is not an Arab country but rather Persian?
- In the early stages of the Iraqi invasion we destroyed much of the infrastructure necessary for post war plans?
- New Orleans is still in shambles, yet no one seems to care?
- Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki seems to think he is actually in a position of power depsite the fact that we put him there and he is only there still through American force of arms.
- According to the international Red Cross the standard of living has gone down in Iraq each year for the last 4 years?
- The only way to police Iraq is with Iraqis who know the demographics and religious tensions, not a 19 year old from Iowas who only knows to yell "shut the fuck up"?
- This is how our troops conduct themselves in Iraq(picture below)? Sure are winning hearts and minds.

Iraq is the ZANIEST nation in the whole middle east! (from CollegeHumor)
Just wondering if you knew?
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