Monday, April 03, 2006


I categorically reject what I watched today on Fox News. An argument put forth by a proponent of immigration is that America is an aging country which needs more workers to support that aging group. The immigration we are expereincing from Mexico is not the answer, how many of these immigrants are ven paying social security or any taxes at all. This country is losing billions of dollars in taxes every year due to this problem. There are trade unions in this country willing to do the jobs that the immigrants are doing, however they are not willing to do this job for the dirt cheap price that illegal foreign labor is. These immigrants could well be developing their own countries rather than fleeing a country that is undeveloped therein lies the problem. These immigrants do not even assimilate to the country when they arrive. The overwhelming majority dont even speak english, they speak one language and that is spanish that is not conducive to a model workforce. If this country does not want to recognize the current problem which lies in the immigration issue that is one thing. The best option is to legalize the current immigrants that are in the country and force them to register and become U.S. citizens and start carrying their respective weight rather than living off the fat of the land and not paying into any social programs they use(i.e. hospitals, sewage, highways). If the current population was willing to follow these steps I wouldnt have a problem at all, it is the fact that they refuse to follow the proper channels that chaps my ass. YOu cant say that you want the oppurtunity this country provides and not be willing to pay into what makes it so great, if you do that you have no right to be part of any country let alone ours.


Blogger David_Z said...

the "proper channels," which I would tend to agree with, are well and good in a perfect world. However, in the current world, the "proper channels" prevent many people from entering the country for no legitimate reason.

Also, the washington post recently reported that the unemployment rate among immigrants is lower than it is among non-immigrants, which pretty much debunks the "not puling their weight" argument.

The problem is that wages are "sticky" downwards - people resist a diminution in nominal wages even if it would be an increase in real terms. Opponents of a more open immigration policy would have us believe that we can sustain the higher wages demanded domestically - because higher wages will even out with the higher prices that will necessarily be charged to cover those costs.

What this argument fails to see is that everyone benefits from lower prices - if wages were less sticky downwards, and the price of labor was allowed to fluctuate with demand and supply, as the prices of goods & services do, there would be alot less flux in the market.

12:37 AM  

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