Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Detroit = Whore

Its been a long and steady decline for what was once a great city in Detroit. Houses abandonded, downtown boarded up and only looking alive during special events(superbowl, mlb allstar game etc.). The problem doesnt lie with the people, it doesnt lie with the economy as everyone would have you believe; it lies with a corrupt and dysfundtional city government from the top to the bottom.

For years this has been okay with the citizens of Detroit, it has to be as they continually elect poor leadership and allow it to run amok. The great decline started and was hastened by the late great Coleman Young, corrupt as all get out and the city slid from greatness every year he was in office but he was elected again and again. Only after he left office and Dennis Archer took over did it look like there may be some sort of resurgence. And for a brief while there was but in Archers final years he sounded like a tired and beaten man. Beaten down by inefficency in city hall. He brought some great things to the city but was blocked from doing much of what he wanted to accomplish. Now we have Kwame Kilpatrick, there has not been a greater case of corruption, abuse of powers and nepotism that I can think of. So many of his staff memebers are family memebers with fraudulent degrees and resumes yet tehy are being paid six figure salaries. Thank you Kwame for continuing to ruin this city.

Kwame is a huge problem the city is miles in the red and it doesnt appear there is any way to pull it out and there is no one to fall back on for help. The federal government doesnt fix the problem of cities going down the shitter, just ask around Buffalo, NY being a prime example. Kwame says he wants to fix the budget, he proposes wild ideas that have no merit or backing. The first gem he dropped on residents of the city and suburb alike was shutting down the Detroit Zoo. You cant jsut shut it down, its not something you own, its not your right that is a treasure to the state of michigan and his idea was widely criticized and rejected eventually, but the city counsel was all for it. Kudos to you citizens of detroit for electing such great leadership.

Now Kwame proposes to fix the budget by selling the Rackham Golf Course. In and of itself this doesnt seem like a huge issue, its the cities he should be able to sell it for 5 million dollars to developers right? Wrong. THis 120 acre plot of prime real estate was donated by the Rackham family in 1925 with the stipulation that it always be a pulbic course. This sale flies in the face of that stipulation, developing it to residential property is not a pulbic golf course. So what if the deal was brokered 81 years ago, it is still valid and if the city of Detroit isnt worth its word anymore what is it worth? If the Rackham heirs are not willing to sit idly by while the city violates their commitment then we can look forward to a lengthy court case to decide the right of sale. Detroit does not have the deep pockets a city needs to go tou court like this on what amounts to a whim. They project to finish this fiscal year 60 million dollars in debt, thats a helluva hole. The city does not have the right to this land to sell for a profit if anything the profit would in my eyes would need to be split with the family itself and then what benefit do you gain? None.

Let the course be, stop whoring the city and wasting moeny to gain money thats a wash. Restructure the bastard tax system that forces people with moeny out of the city and actually encourage growth as a whole not in isolated areas. This problem doesnt have a quick fix, but I can guarntee that the fix requires someone other than Kwame Kilpatrick. Im sure he has better things to do like hold coke parties at the manoogian mansion with strippers all over the place and cavort around with his security detail larger than that of the governor, secretary of state and state attorney general. Theres where the moneys going Kwame, up your nose and in your coffers. I guess it always is the last place you look huh?

Free Press Coverage


Blogger David_Z said...

I got your back on this one, it's a damn shame.

The simplest way to put the argument is this:

Detroit cannot sell the right to develop the land into housing/condos - simply because this is a right that the city of detroit never acquired to begin with. If you don't have it, you can't sell it. Case. Fucking. Closed.

A better example would be something like "oil & mineral rights" to a property. Land is frequently sold, on the condition that the grantor retains the right to all oil, mineral discovery & profit from the land. It would patently absurd to declare that the current owner could sell those rights to someone else, having never acquired them to begin with.

The only proper, legal way to resolve this issue is to gain consent from all of the Rackham family heirs. Otherwise, they could pop up anytime and claim damages. This type of cloud in the chain of title is a Title Insurer's worst nightmare.

8:01 PM  

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