Friday, July 21, 2006


The crisis over in the middle east jsut keeps getting worse, with yesterday being the deadliest day so far in terms of Israels terrorist missle and bomb attacks on the Lebanese people.

A ceasefire needs to be reached but thats not possible because only one side is doing all of the firing in this conflict, Lebanon itself is standing still. Israel is fighting to destroy Hezbollah but it continues to attack bridges, ports, airports, villages, well drilling equipment and Lebanese army positions. Why, what is the logic behind this? Israel claims to want stability from Lebanon, to not have to worry about its shared northern border. IF this were truly the case then Israel would not be intently destroying the infrastructure of the Lebanese government and society and targeting the military which will play a huge role in a stable Lebanon.

The United States is looking at a double edged sword here, on the one hand we work for Israel, lets not be foolish and think its the other way around. We claim to want to establish a cease fire but we want to give Israel at least another week to bombard the Lebanese people. In another week there wont be any chance at saving Lebanon. The country is in shambles now, the airport is closed, ports are being attacked and major highways and bridges are destroyed. This will be no short term turnaround, this will take years and years to fix all because Israel was targeting a terrorist group by blowing up everything but terrorists. Let us not forget this isnt a conflict between two nations, but a nation and a militia uncontrolled by a government that has been hamstrung in the past to where it cannot stop them. To punish the nation to destroy what they have built is criminal. But then again when you are talking about a nation that was established by criminally stealing land from others than I guess thats what you can expect.

Proprtiante force is another issue, I keep hearing the term that Hezbollah rockets are "raining down on Israeli civilians" yet there are 15 Israeli dead. There are over 300 dead in Lebanon the overwhelming majority civilian and over 1000 wounded. I would think indiscriminate firign of missles would result in more casualties than would laser guided smart bombs but hey I guess not. Especially when the smart bombs and their operators know they are attacking civilians.

Washington Post Coverage
'To Save a Revolution"
"Left Here to Die"


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