Sunday, May 20, 2007

There is no government like no government

Reading some posts and interesting tidbits over at A Stitch in Haste I came across this interesting article which covers Montgomery County Marylands decision to outlaw trans fats. First off this an absolutley ridiculous notion as the government has no right to tell me what foods I should or should not consume. Whehter or not i want to cram my face full of french fries and dounts soaking in trans fats is of no concern to the goverment as it is my life and also as the government should be dealing with many more important issues even on the county level. The root of this problem lies in the fact that people in the United States 1.) will not accept responsibility for their health and eating habits (as noted by people who sue fastfood restraunts for "becoming addicted to the food") and 2.)have no willpower of what they choose to eat. Ill be honest I weigh a bit more than I should and like most people I succumb to the vices of the fast food industry now and again. BUt this is strictly my perogative, no one from Burger King holds a gun to my head and makes me eat a whopper more often than not it is due to laziness and the desire for something fast(hence fast food). I know it isnt healthy, hell anyone who doesnt has to be an idiot(Morgan Spurlock). As for the government of a county or country saying to its people "this isnt healthy so we are taking it away" far oversteps the bounds of what should comprise goverment.

This isnt the only area where the goverment oversteps itself, you can also look at no smoking laws. Im not one who smokes or enjoys smoke, but I understand that when going into a bar or restraunt chances are im going to smell the smoke. If a buisness chooses to make itself smoke free, more power to them. But more and more these days we are seeing goverment intervention (ohio most recently) which bans smoking in restraunts and other establishments. Am I the only one who sees the huge problem here? The government is banning you from smoking in private places. IF anything the goverment should be telling you that you cant smoke on the sidewalk, because that is the public property where the government has some form of credible jurisdiction. But to tell an independent and private bar owner that people cannot smoke in an establishment is not what the government is there to do.

These are jsut ramblings on two things I found. Sorry about the inactivity lately, there have been several things I have wanted to write about but have not been able to come up with a way to voice my feelings best. My main topic that I would like to cover is the use of para military police units in society and why and how this is wrong on so many levels. I have grown disgusted with alot of what I have read and would love to post something on this, but its going to take some time to word and put together to say the least.


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