You know what really grinds my gears?
- The Carolina Hurricanes winning the Stanley Cup. Its just not right, Hockey shouldnt even be played down there its a disgrace to the game I mean for gods sake they actually ahve hurricanes down their...Ridiculous!
- People who drive 25 in a 35mph zone. Now first things first Im the best driver on earth so everyone else on the road pisses me off but why drive so slow? Its not safer cause then I tail your ass like no ones buisness, speed up grandpa. The only thing worse is getting stuck behind the dreaded "Oldman with a hat".
- The people at baseball games who sit behind homeplate and talk on their cellphones while waving to someone at home. Great asshole you are talking to someone watching the game and your on TV. No shit your behind home plate your gonna be on TV. I propose a man law that would allow anyone to stand up take away their cell phone and smash it on the ground if they catch one fo these bastards in the act.
- Townies that give you the up and down all the time. Just cause I walk into a place doesnt mean that you can look me up and down as if you want to fight me. Id kick your ass and you know it, fuck you townie.
- People that think they know all sorts of shit about politics and what not. They watch one thing that Ann Coulter is on and all of a sudden they are the top person to talk to about whats wrong with the country. YOu dont know shit, your a fucking retard get over it.
- People that think working at a restaurant is actual work. Its not work, its a job. YOu want work go carry drywall around for months at a time, go work as a construction bitch carrying concrete block and digging holes thats work and until you do it dont complain about how hard your job is.
- The kid that always asks questions he knows the answer ot in class. It doenst make you look smart ass face it makes you look like an idiot for wasting everyone elses time, including the proffesor.
- Little Johnny son of a bitch who is with his mom at the store whining about what he wants all the time. No one cares you little son of a bitch get over it, maybe you should go out and get a job instead of being a leech off your parents. Ive seen kids like this that were 23 years old, its disgusting.
- The cost of all things abercrombie and fitch and all that other shit. People that buy jeans that have holes in them and pay 80 dollars for them deserve to have their ass kicked, these are also the same people who pop their collars. Quite possibly the stupidest thing Ive ever seen, yeah you look great with your plaid shorts and pastel collared shirt with the collar popped. No, you dont look like an asshole at all and I bet your really tough. Newsflash, you arent tough and you look like a huge combination of an asshole and a douechebag....kudos to you sir for pulling that shit off and not looking good while doing it.
- People who visit my site and dont leave comments. I mean I dont need one everytime, but once in a while throw me a fucking bone. Get with the program let me know what you think or maybe what youd like to hear about your input would be great
Several other things
- Ticking and clicking noises
- High prices on food
- high prices on clothes
- high prices on gas
- Your mom