Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Why I Love Hockey

Say what you want about Hockey, Im not saying you need to love it, Im not saying you even need to like it but man are there some good reasons to like it. As far as Im concerned it might be the perfect combination of speed, phyiscal play and skill. Other sports are faster or more physical but not at the same time that and the fact these guys go out there and play the game 3 or more times a week makes me respect the hell out of them. From break away goals to open ice checks its a great sport.

For my money though you have to love hockey for the fights. NAme another sport other than boxing where two guys can stand face to face and beat the hell out of each other and no one cares, I mean they arent even suspended from the next game or anything. Guys like Rob Ray, Tony Twist, Joe Kocur, Bob Probert, Tie Domi, Stu Grimson I mean these guys are badasses or were badasses. They are standing on a slick piece of Ice on two metal blades and still manage to throw amazing power punches and knock people out. Hell Tony Twist once won a fight in one punch, knocked the guy out and broke like three bones in his face you dont see that happen in the UFC let alone boxing. How they maintain the balance and absorb so many bare knuckle blows to the face is beyond me, they are tough sons of bitches no doubt. Add to that the fact that these guys take fists, sticks and pucks to the face and still play that game. No other sport do you get your face split open go get stitches in between shifts and then come out ready to go.

In closing you can say what you want about Canadians, but as a whole watch some hockey, they can whoop some serious ass and I dare you to tell them otherwise.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

You know what really grinds my gears?

- The Carolina Hurricanes winning the Stanley Cup. Its just not right, Hockey shouldnt even be played down there its a disgrace to the game I mean for gods sake they actually ahve hurricanes down their...Ridiculous!

- People who drive 25 in a 35mph zone. Now first things first Im the best driver on earth so everyone else on the road pisses me off but why drive so slow? Its not safer cause then I tail your ass like no ones buisness, speed up grandpa. The only thing worse is getting stuck behind the dreaded "Oldman with a hat".

- The people at baseball games who sit behind homeplate and talk on their cellphones while waving to someone at home. Great asshole you are talking to someone watching the game and your on TV. No shit your behind home plate your gonna be on TV. I propose a man law that would allow anyone to stand up take away their cell phone and smash it on the ground if they catch one fo these bastards in the act.

- Townies that give you the up and down all the time. Just cause I walk into a place doesnt mean that you can look me up and down as if you want to fight me. Id kick your ass and you know it, fuck you townie.

- People that think they know all sorts of shit about politics and what not. They watch one thing that Ann Coulter is on and all of a sudden they are the top person to talk to about whats wrong with the country. YOu dont know shit, your a fucking retard get over it.

- People that think working at a restaurant is actual work. Its not work, its a job. YOu want work go carry drywall around for months at a time, go work as a construction bitch carrying concrete block and digging holes thats work and until you do it dont complain about how hard your job is.

- The kid that always asks questions he knows the answer ot in class. It doenst make you look smart ass face it makes you look like an idiot for wasting everyone elses time, including the proffesor.

- Little Johnny son of a bitch who is with his mom at the store whining about what he wants all the time. No one cares you little son of a bitch get over it, maybe you should go out and get a job instead of being a leech off your parents. Ive seen kids like this that were 23 years old, its disgusting.

- The cost of all things abercrombie and fitch and all that other shit. People that buy jeans that have holes in them and pay 80 dollars for them deserve to have their ass kicked, these are also the same people who pop their collars. Quite possibly the stupidest thing Ive ever seen, yeah you look great with your plaid shorts and pastel collared shirt with the collar popped. No, you dont look like an asshole at all and I bet your really tough. Newsflash, you arent tough and you look like a huge combination of an asshole and a douechebag....kudos to you sir for pulling that shit off and not looking good while doing it.

- People who visit my site and dont leave comments. I mean I dont need one everytime, but once in a while throw me a fucking bone. Get with the program let me know what you think or maybe what youd like to hear about your input would be great

Several other things

- Ticking and clicking noises
- High prices on food
- high prices on clothes
- high prices on gas
- Your mom

Monday, June 19, 2006

Camp Cobra

Found this while taking a stroll on the web the other day. For lack of anything else to post, thought Id just throw this out there.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Gino's Cheese Steaks with a side of truth

Watching CNN or Fox news or one of those news channels, I cant remember off the top of my head I saw a great piece on how Ginos Cheese Steaks in South Philly is making all customers order in english only. Of course the city of philidelphia is charging them with discrimination based on nationallity or ethnic background. The owner of Gino's whose name escapes me made a great point that is more often than not overlooked, why does bilingual mean english spanish. He pointed out the fact that the germans, italians, irish etc were not given special privelige when they came to this country, they learned the language to assimilate or else they got nowhere. He like myself doesnt see why we are affording this immigrant group rights unparalleled to any other group in the history of the world. THis is still true today, you need to learn the english language to get ahead or else you can count on that nice 5 dollar an hour day labor job for the long haul and if that is the land of oppurtunity that the immigrants who dont want to speak the language then they are better off gone.

As for the owner, he made another great point "How hard is it to learn how ot say cheesesteak?"

Detroit = Whore

Its been a long and steady decline for what was once a great city in Detroit. Houses abandonded, downtown boarded up and only looking alive during special events(superbowl, mlb allstar game etc.). The problem doesnt lie with the people, it doesnt lie with the economy as everyone would have you believe; it lies with a corrupt and dysfundtional city government from the top to the bottom.

For years this has been okay with the citizens of Detroit, it has to be as they continually elect poor leadership and allow it to run amok. The great decline started and was hastened by the late great Coleman Young, corrupt as all get out and the city slid from greatness every year he was in office but he was elected again and again. Only after he left office and Dennis Archer took over did it look like there may be some sort of resurgence. And for a brief while there was but in Archers final years he sounded like a tired and beaten man. Beaten down by inefficency in city hall. He brought some great things to the city but was blocked from doing much of what he wanted to accomplish. Now we have Kwame Kilpatrick, there has not been a greater case of corruption, abuse of powers and nepotism that I can think of. So many of his staff memebers are family memebers with fraudulent degrees and resumes yet tehy are being paid six figure salaries. Thank you Kwame for continuing to ruin this city.

Kwame is a huge problem the city is miles in the red and it doesnt appear there is any way to pull it out and there is no one to fall back on for help. The federal government doesnt fix the problem of cities going down the shitter, just ask around Buffalo, NY being a prime example. Kwame says he wants to fix the budget, he proposes wild ideas that have no merit or backing. The first gem he dropped on residents of the city and suburb alike was shutting down the Detroit Zoo. You cant jsut shut it down, its not something you own, its not your right that is a treasure to the state of michigan and his idea was widely criticized and rejected eventually, but the city counsel was all for it. Kudos to you citizens of detroit for electing such great leadership.

Now Kwame proposes to fix the budget by selling the Rackham Golf Course. In and of itself this doesnt seem like a huge issue, its the cities he should be able to sell it for 5 million dollars to developers right? Wrong. THis 120 acre plot of prime real estate was donated by the Rackham family in 1925 with the stipulation that it always be a pulbic course. This sale flies in the face of that stipulation, developing it to residential property is not a pulbic golf course. So what if the deal was brokered 81 years ago, it is still valid and if the city of Detroit isnt worth its word anymore what is it worth? If the Rackham heirs are not willing to sit idly by while the city violates their commitment then we can look forward to a lengthy court case to decide the right of sale. Detroit does not have the deep pockets a city needs to go tou court like this on what amounts to a whim. They project to finish this fiscal year 60 million dollars in debt, thats a helluva hole. The city does not have the right to this land to sell for a profit if anything the profit would in my eyes would need to be split with the family itself and then what benefit do you gain? None.

Let the course be, stop whoring the city and wasting moeny to gain money thats a wash. Restructure the bastard tax system that forces people with moeny out of the city and actually encourage growth as a whole not in isolated areas. This problem doesnt have a quick fix, but I can guarntee that the fix requires someone other than Kwame Kilpatrick. Im sure he has better things to do like hold coke parties at the manoogian mansion with strippers all over the place and cavort around with his security detail larger than that of the governor, secretary of state and state attorney general. Theres where the moneys going Kwame, up your nose and in your coffers. I guess it always is the last place you look huh?

Free Press Coverage

Thursday, June 08, 2006

United Nations....United for what?

Watching both CNN today and reading on the Washington Post, I was startled to see a verbal and political attack on the U.S. by the UN. Deputy Secretary General Malloch Brown of the UN used a recent speech to lambaste the people of the United States for their criticism of the United Nations. Not only were his remarks out of line, but the support he is receiving from the Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, is also surprising. Mr. Annan stands by the comments and even agreed with the thrust that the United States needs to become a more active and involved member of the organization. One of the quotes from Mr. Brown was this

“The prevailing practice of seeking to use the U.N. almost by stealth as a diplomatic tool while failing to stand up for it against its domestic critics is simply not sustainable," Mr. Malloch Brown said. "You will lose the U.N. one way or another.”

Well the real question I believe that should be asked is are we more worried about losing the UN or is the UN more worried about losing us?

Not only do we go at it alone in most cases, spited by members of the UN to begin with. Two notables are France and Russia who both object to any tampering in the Middle East due to the amount of illegal oil contracts those countries have had with nations such as Iraq in the past. Contracts which make the countries many millions of dollars which violated UN sanctions and embargos god forbid the French lose their contract for the greater good.

I may sound as if I am tooting the horn of the U.S. and I guess I am; we are the nation that provides the overwhelming monetary and military support to this organization. We continually lead the UN in technological advances and gain negative reviews for them because it doesn’t allow the other countries to fully participate in many operations due to lack of technology. Not only do we supply the UN with most of its money and troops but all of these countries owe their ass to the United States. Many of those owing their ass to us date back to the Second World War where we came in and bailed out France, Germany, England, Russia and many more. Not only did we save those countries the fate that was marching through them at a rapid pace, but we then rebuilt their entire countries. Yes that’s you France, England, Germany, Japan, and Russia, all of you. We rebuilt you and what thanks do we get….that’s right none. Not only do we garner animosity from you now the likes of which allied people shouldn’t have for each other but have the other countries ever even attempted to repay their debts to us…as far as I know they have not.

I say the UN needs to shut its hole recognize who the big dog is, recognize who pays the bills. No shit the people of the U.S. aren’t thrilled with your little club, you do nothing for us. The old saying goes as I have been reminded by my father numerous times “He, who pays the piper, calls the tune.” Well we pay the piper and if you don’t like the tune, then I suggest you start ponying up.

Monday, June 05, 2006

George Bush...What the hell are you thinking?

George Bush, I was a fan I thought he was doing things right then the tide began to turn and he started to show through that he might be inept and a bumbling moron. Well things went that way for a while, he stayed the course, saved some face said the right things at the right time, like a good lap dog. Now though his desperate attempt to win over votes and try to demonize a group of citizens of the U.S. is repulsive. Im not one to sit here and trumpet the glorys of gays and gay marriage, but Im also one not to sit here and say it is evil and against what this country was founded for and should be illegal. The fact that Bush is proposing an ammendment to the constitution that would outlaw gay marriage is laughable. There is no legal ground at all to deny gays the right to marry, legally it is not against any laws, it is not a violation of anything. Whether or not you feel that it is religioulsy right, or morally right is another matter. But you cannot make a law to outlaw gay marriage because it violates your moral standards thats no basis for a change to the constitution of the United States. Im sure that our forefathers did not design for the laws of the land to be changed for this purpose.

What Bush needs to do is fix alot of his messes. He needs to find the fix in Iraq, clean up the mess that is going on and get the right people in charge to run our forces and to aid in the creation and evolution of a new Iraqi government and find a fix and exit strategy so that we can get our troops home. The next thing he needs to do is get over the Iran situation, let them have their nuclear energy. We let countries on the verge of war on a second by second basis(India) have nukes, but Iran cant because of their governments rhetoric. Nevermind that their country is like 65% under 30 and that most of the residents dont even remember why to hate america(i.e. 1979 Iranian Revolution). The people love the U.S. the goverment talks shit, eventually the people will get sick of the government and things are going to change.


But hey, what do I know Im just a dude.