Ive posted on this topic before as have many others, and I wont lie Im blatanly copying and pasting this one but I could never explain and give an example this well. This is another case of police all dressed up and playing solider with no intention of carrying through because they may put themselves in danger to stop the victimization of innocent civilians. Despite the fact that this is what they are hired and sworn in to do it is not in severe cases the reality of the situation.
Portion of article lifted from
Pro Libearte courtsey of William N. Grigg
Once again, the operational principle was not to “protect and serve” the innocent, but officer safety uber alles.
This is not always the case, of course. There are, I happily and gratefully acknowledge, many genuinely heroic men in law enforcement and rescue units who defy the officer safety dogma to and on behalf of the innocent, despite the fact that the State does not require them to.

He died trying to save a stranger: The heroic Kris Kime (l.) and the memorial plaque in Seattle's Pioneer Square district, where he was murdered (r.).

In fact, that's what happened in the case of Kris Kime, as described in this excerpt from an account compiled by a Seattle law firm:
“Kris Kime was with his friends in the midst of Pioneer Square.... The group of friends became separated. Some of the young women were assaulted. They were in the process of desperately trying to leave when Kris bent over to help a victimized woman who had been knocked to the ground. As he reached out to her, Kris had no idea that [Jerell] Thomas [who murdered Kime] was approaching him from the rear. Massive blows were delivered to the back of Kris’ head and he fell to the ground....
The group of friends and onlookers created a circle around Kris as the mob surged around. A few people tried to kick him.
As he lay dying in the street, the City [police] stood by and did nothing. Friend Louis Dickinson called 911 to get help. The dispatcher explained that the police would not go in to the melee. `He’s hurt bad' Dickinson pleaded. Not giving up, he ran to the perimeter and begged the police directly. In wooden tones they told him that they had heard the dispatch but would not go in. Meanwhile two off duty paramedics came to help and along with a few of the friends were able to drag Kris out of the square. No ambulances or aid vehicles were present, so Kris was placed into the rear of a patrol car and taken to Harborview.”
While the entire police force – commanders, dispatchers, and officers on the street – allowed this murder to unfold before their eyes, it was a couple of off-duty paramedics who risked their lives in a doomed but noble attempt to save the life of the stricken Samaritan.
Perhaps these heroic paramedics were able to see their moral duty clearly because they were off the clock, and thus not working for the State.
The only excuse for putting up with government at all is the assumption that it will protect us from the violence of the lawless: That's the actual import of the much-misused passages in Romans 13 urging Christians to be subject to governments: God has placed the sword into the hands of rulers to defend the innocent against evil-doers.
Where governments do not carry out that function, they have no moral or practical reason to exist.
As we mourn for the innocent dead and wounded, and pray for the consolation of their families, let us also reflect on the unambiguous truth that the State that rules us cannot protect us -- and that only idolatrous fools would permit that State to disarm us.
*****Original Content*****
This seems to be the main problem with any of the numerous yahoos who decide they want to be swat officers. They all want to play army, have the toys, dress the part and fluff their machismo for all to see. However when it comes to nut cutting time, more often than not they sit back and do not enter the fray for fear of endangering themselves in the effort to prevent violence. A prime example is Columbine when numerous swat teams descened on the high school but none entered to confront the gunmen. The reasoning, A.) that they feared seeting off another gunfight. Horrible logic as innocent unarmed students and teachers were being gunned down in a place devoid of protection. This is what a swat team is for but since it didnt involve an early morning no knock raid the situation was to dangerous. Reason B.) They were afraid that since they did not know who the suspects were it would put officers in danger. What the FUCK? How on earth did they propose to find the suspects wait until everyone was dead or sit back as they did, wait until the killers shot themselves and then slap each other on the back for a job well done.
The willingness of these groups to use their arms in situations that dont need them is startling. Below are links the same blog above that highlight some of these occurences. Only when the threat is minimal and a story of danger can be manufactured does it seem that the officers will draw arms or place themselves in "danger".
http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2007/05/another-victim-of-warfarehomeland.htmlhttp://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2007/05/biden-gives-his-blessing-to-derek-hales.htmlhttp://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2007/05/when-state-owns-your-name.htmlhttp://www.lewrockwell.com/orig7/bothwell2.htmlCheck here:
http://www.cato.org/raidmap/ and you can find any number of egregious offenses by your hard working boys in blue.
With this body of work and some peoples denial of the second ammendment I must ask, are you really comfortable letting only these over anxious "peace officers" have the guns?